Takao Takao

Model Plan 04Takao/Hachioji Plan

For 2 days tour around Mt. Takao and nearby castle ruins where you can experience the nature and history

This is a plan designed for visiting the highlights of Hachioji in 2 days and 1 night.

On the first day, we will hike to Mt. Takao from Takaosanguchi Station. Then walk along your choice from one of six Inariyama courses on both the upclimb and return routes. It is also possible to use a cable car or lift to go up halfway. On the way we will visit Yakuo-in Temple. Lunch is at one of the many cafeterias on Mt. Takao. After returning from Mt. Takao, take away the fatigue from hiking at Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu (hot spring) which is adjacent to Takaosanguchi Station. After that, we continue on to Yuyake Koyake Fureai-no-sato and check into our accommodations at the "Ohruri House". Dinner is at the adjacent restaurant “Iroribata”.

On the second day, we will visit the ruins of Takiyama-jyo Castle and Hachioji-jyo Castle. After that, we will visit the Musashi Imperial Cemetery which has been selected as one of the 88 views of Hachioji. After stopping by Komakino Garden, a Japanese garden owned by Hachioji City, we will take fun pictures at the Trick Art Museum near Takaosanguchi Station. Lunch is served at a local restaurant at this point in the trip.

The above is an example plan. Please inquire for details

Mt. TakaoTakaosan Yakuo-in TempleTakaosan Onsen (hot spring) Gokuraku-yuYuyake Koyake Fureai no SatoOhruri no Ie Accommodation
Spot Mt. Takao

Located in the center of Meiji-no-mori Takao National Park, Takaosan is a mountain with an altitude of 599m that boasts 3 million climbers annually. In June 2020, Mt. Takao, “filled with spiritual energy: the tale of Kuwato spun from people’s praying” was certified as the first Japan Heritage site in Tokyo. There are many climbing courses, so it is an attractive location that can be enjoyed in different ways no matter how many times it is climbed. It is so rich in nature that it is called a “treasure trove of plants”. The cable car to the middle of Mt. Takao has the steepest cable car line in Japan at 31 degrees.

Spot Takaosan Yakuo-in Temple

This temple is located halfway up Mt. Takaosan. It was founded in 744 and it is said the temple got its name from the fact that Yakushi Nyorai was the principal object of worship at first. Along with Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple and Kawasaki Daishi Heiken-ji Temple, it is counted as one of the three main temples of the area. Many Tengu statues enshrined in the precincts are said to ward off disasters and bring good fortune. The big Tengu has a red face and towering nose, while the bird-like beak is called the Tori-Tengu (also known as the small Tengu).

Spot Takaosan Onsen (hot spring) Gokuraku-yu

This is a hot spring facility next to Takaosanguchi Station, and we recommend the open-air bath where you can enjoy the scenery along with the unusual carbonated spring water. This is a natural hot spring that wells up at the foot of Mt. Takao. There are several baths in the facility, but the most popular one is the natural hot spring open-air rock bath.

This blessing of the earth, which wells up from about 1,000m below ground, is alkaline and forms gentle hot springs. Soaking in the bathtub melts away the fatigue of the day. This alkaline hot water is said to be effective not only for relieving fatigue, but also for promoting health. In addition, the cypress bath, which has a refreshing scent of wood, emits delicate microbubbles. The “open-air carbonated stone bath” is a rare bath built around a carbonated hot spring.

Spot Yuyake Koyake Fureai no Sato

This is a natural experience type recreation facility located in the peaceful Ongata area. It is known as the model for the nursery rhyme “Yuyake Koyake”. In addition to seasonal events, you can experience recreational activities such as pony riding, contact with small animals, camping, and swimming in the Asakawa River.

Spot Ohruri no Ie Accommodation

Ohruri no Ie, located on the grounds of Yuyake Koyake Fureai no Sato, is an inn where you can enjoy the scenery of the surrounding mountains from the bath. There is a recommended restaurant named “Iroribata” nearby where you can enjoy hand-made soba and seasonal tempura, and a relaxing time in nature.

Takiyama-jyo Castle RuinsHachioji-jyo Castle RuinsMusashi Imperial CemeteryTakao Komanoki GardenTrick Art Museum
Spot Takiyama-jyo Castle Ruins

Takiyama-jyo Castle is said to have been built by Oishi Sadashige in 1521. It is known as one of the best castle ruins in Japan for its large scale and good preservation, it has been designated as a national historic site. It is famous for its 5,000 cherry blossom trees that bloom in spring. In 2021 the castle celebrated its 500th anniversary.

Spot Hachioji-jyo Castle Ruins

This is one of the best mountain castles in the Kanto region, famous for the spectacular drama of its fall in battle. At the end of the Warring States period, Ujiteru, the son of Hojo Ujiyasu, the lord of Odawara-jyo Castle, built Hachioji-jyo Castle to serve as the western defense of the Kanto region. In 1590 AD Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent the forces of Maeda Toshiie and Uesugi Kagekatsu to Hachioji-jyo Castle as part of his efforts to control the Kanto region. The castle, which was under heavy attack, fell in one day. The Hojo clan, who lost the castle, which was the most important base for ruling the Kanto region, perished. Vestiges of those days, such as the ruins of the main shrine at the foot of the castle, remind us of the site of fierce battles during the Warring States period. In addition, from the observatory at the top of the mountain, you can see as far as Sagami Bay.

Spot Musashi Imperial Cemetery

This is an imperial cemetery managed by the imperial Household Agency. It is the only one in the Kanto region and consists of four tombs: the Tama Mausoleum of Emperor Taisho, Tama East Mausoleum of Empress Teimei, the Musashino Mausoleum of Emperor Showa, and the Musashino East Mausoleum of Empress Kojun. The approach to the shrine is lined with zelkova trees, and the fresh green and autumn leaves are beautiful. The cemetery is lined with Kitayamasugi cedar trees, and the ground is covered with gravel, creating a solemn atmosphere.

Spot Takao Komagino Garden

“Takao Komagino Garden” is the only Japanese garden owned by Hachioji City and is located in Ura-Takao-machi Town where the old Koshu-Kaido Highway passes. You can enjoy the garden with its traditional Karesansui(landscape garden) with nishikigoi(colored carps) surrounded by seasonal flowers, wild grasses and bonsai.

Spot Trick Art Museum

The Trick Art Museum is based on the theme of “as if the real thing were there”. Here you can enjoy three-dimensional trick art using optical illusions in the hall that simulate the ruins of ancient Egypt. This style of trick art is called trompe l’oeil in French. There is also a room called “Mt. Takao, Tengu-sama’s magical power” named after Takao.

Spot Map

The above is an example plan. Please inquire for details